Lenza Law Firm, PLLC-Estate Planning, Elder Law and Medicaid Planning- Staten Island » Lenza Law Firm, PLLC is estate planning and elder law firm with a focus is Elder Law, Probate, Estate Administration, Estate Planning, and Medicaid Asset Protection in Staten Island, New York. Lenza Law Firm, PLLC Island,is dedicated solely to offering legal advice in estate planning, elder law, Medicaid planning, Nursing Home and estate administration matters

Do You Need a Lawyer to Make a Will? Unveiling the Essentials of Estate Planning

We all plan for the future in different ways. For some, it’s investing in real estate or securing a solid retirement fund. For others, it’s mapping out an itinerary for that dream vacation. Yet, one essential planning task needs to be addressed – estate planning. At the heart of estate planning lies one crucial document: your will.

The Importance of a Will

A will is an indispensable tool that ensures your possessions and property are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. It lets you decide who gets what, how much, and when they receive it. But, creating a will can be a complex process. Do you need a lawyer to make a will?

What is Estate Planning?

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s clearly understand estate planning. Essentially, estate planning entails preparing to effectively handle your assets in the tragic event of your passing or if you cannot make decisions. It includes drafting a will, setting up trusts, choosing beneficiaries, and appointing powers of attorney.

Why is Estate Planning Vital?

Estate planning provides clarity and reduces disputes among surviving family members. It also helps minimize the estate tax paid, ensuring your loved ones receive the maximum benefits.

Creating a Will: Do You Need a Lawyer?

Creating a will is a personal journey. Some people prefer to do it themselves, while others hire a lawyer. Let’s explore both scenarios.

Reasons to Consider Hiring a Lawyer

Seeking legal counsel when drafting a will can be beneficial, especially in complex scenarios.

Complex Situations

If you have significant assets or businesses or have a complicated family situation (like a blended family), a lawyer can help navigate these complexities. They ensure your will is legally sound and carry out your wishes accurately.

Legal Advice and Peace of Mind

A lawyer can offer valuable advice on estate law, ensuring your will is valid and binding. Plus, they provide the peace of mind from knowing your affairs are in order.

The DIY Approach to Wills

Resources are available for creating a will on your own, but it’s crucial to understand when this is appropriate and the potential pitfalls.

When is DIY Appropriate?

A DIY will suffice if you have a small estate and specific family circumstances. Numerous online tools and templates are available to guide you through the process.

Potential Pitfalls of DIY Wills

However, be wary of potential issues. Wills are legal documents, and even tiny mistakes can cause big problems. Without legal guidance, your will could be challenged or invalid, leading to unintended consequences.

How to Choose the Right Estate Planning Lawyer

If you’ve decided to hire a lawyer, consider these aspects to ensure you choose the right one.

Expertise in Estate Law

Your chosen lawyer should be well-versed in estate law, experienced in drafting wills, and able to provide personalized advice.

Local Knowledge

Laws vary by location. A lawyer with local knowledge will ensure your will is compliant with state laws and regulations.

Communication Skills

Good communication is vital. You want a lawyer who attends to your needs, clearly explains legal jargon, and keeps you informed.

The Changing Landscape of Wills and Estate Planning

Over the years, the landscape of wills and estate planning has evolved. Technological advancements, changing family structures, and societal shifts have all influenced how we plan for the future. Despite these changes, the importance of having a clear and legally sound will remains constant.

Understanding Digital Assets

In today’s digital age, we have an additional layer to consider: digital assets. Digital assets can include anything from your social media accounts to cryptocurrency holdings. A competent estate planning lawyer can help incorporate these digital elements into your will, ensuring your digital life is managed per your wishes.

Managing Social Media After Death

After death, managing social media accounts can be a complex affair. Each platform has its policy for handling the accounts of deceased users. Some allow ‘memorialization’ of the account, while others permit immediate family members to close the account. Detailed instructions in your will can save your loved ones from this digital problem.

Cryptocurrency and Your Estate

If you own cryptocurrency, ensuring this digital wealth isn’t lost or inaccessible after your death is essential. Cryptocurrency is stored in a digital wallet, secured by a private key—a password. If this key isn’t known or accessible to anyone else, your cryptocurrency assets could be lost forever. Your will should include instructions on how to access these funds.

The Role of Trusts in Estate Planning

While wills are integral to estate planning, trusts also play a significant role. Trusts allow you more control over when and how your assets are distributed.

The Perks of Setting Up a Trust

Trusts offer several advantages, including potential tax benefits and avoiding probate—a lengthy and costly court process. If privacy is a concern, trusts provide an additional perk: unlike wills, they aren’t public documents.

Types of Trusts

There exist different kinds of trusts, each fulfilling a specific purpose. Examples include revocable trusts, irrevocable trusts, and special needs trusts. Determining the most suitable trust for you depends on your circumstances and goals. Seeking assistance from a knowledgeable estate planning attorney can help you navigate this decision.

Trustees and Their Role

A crucial aspect of setting up a trust is choosing a trustee—the individual or institution responsible for managing the trust. Your choice of trustee should be considered carefully, as they play an essential role in securing your wishes are fulfilled.


Ultimately, whether you need a lawyer to make a will depends on your circumstances. Complex situations warrant professional legal help. However, a DIY approach might suffice for more straightforward cases. It’s about weighing the pros and cons and deciding what’s best for you and your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I make a will without a lawyer?

Yes, you can make a will without a lawyer, especially if your estate is small and your family situation is straightforward.

Q2. What happens if I die without a will?

If you die without a will, your assets will be distributed according to your state’s intestacy laws, which may not align with your wishes.

Q3. Can a DIY be challenged in court?

Yes, a DIY will be challenged in court, especially if there are errors in its drafting or execution.

Q4. What should I look for in an estate planning lawyer?

Look for expertise in estate law, local knowledge, and good communication skills.

Q5. Can I change my will once it’s written?

Yes, you can change your will after it’s written. Reviewing and updating your will regularly or after significant life events are recommended.


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